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For Linda…

First and Foremost, on behalf of Linda’s family and the youth group, I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to this candlelight vigil to honor, remember and celebrate Linda’s life for the past 21 years. Linda has remained and will always be the spark and light in all of our lives. Her love, charisma, passion and kindness have touched our lives in the past, in the present and will remain in the future. Though she is only one person, she has managed to make each of our lives here today so much brighter and beautiful. Like Linda, this one flame has ignited in each of us a sense of compassion for people, and found purpose and meaning in life, this one flame has now spread and touched each of our lives.

We must not cry, we must not hate, we must not be sad, for Linda has, is and will always be smiling at us from heaven.

Knowing Linda since 11 years old, we made our own little club called LLUQT. Each letter was taken from the first name of each of the girls in the group. We felt like we ruled the world… well at least we ruled Thieu Nhi. The bond and love that we shared amongst the 5 of us built us to who we are today. With our every-so catchy nicknames: Me being Ms. Weirdo because I was simply just weird; Lan being Ms. Airhead because it was our favorite candy; Uyen being Ms. Idiot just because she took the longest in getting jokes, Tram being Ms. Stupidio because we thought the name sounded cool, and Quyen being Ms. Trashy because she always littered. All five of us lived a childhood adventure of crazily falling for the same boys, hating the same teachers at Sunday school, and passing an exceedingly number of notes to each other in, in between, and during classes about the latest loves and hates of being 11. As we grew older, our LLUQT drifted as we explored our own paths in life. But the sisterhood we created between each other still lived on in our hearts.

As our past Huyen Truong have told us in the beginning when we first established Thieu Nhi, "It’s been almost a year now, and in this year I have seen you all develop friendships that will last a lifetime. The love and warmth you extend to each other is far beyond anyone’s imagination. What you all have now is so precious, which is why I want you to always treasure it. I pray that no matter what happens between any of you, you all will be able to remain the best of friends. Don’t ever trade in what you have because nothing is worth more than the friendship you now have and the love you share."

Linda, though you are now physically far, I have never felt you closer to me than now. I feel you in my family, I see you in my friends, I love you in my heart. I will not miss you Linda, for you are and will always be here with me.