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Linda and Rushmi The way I will always remember Linda is perfect, yet human. I had the pleasure of spending spring break with Linda in Montreal. One day Linda decided to sport a fairly high pair of heals, even though the day required a lot of walking and shopping. Linda braved through the pain for most of the day, and definitely looked better than the rest of us in our sneakers. Eventually, however, Linda caved in, demanded that we go to a shoe store, and ultimately walked out of the store wearing a pair of flats, that sort of did justice to the rest of her cute outfit.

As I have been reflecting on my many memories with Linda this past week and a half and have been trying to come to terms with this unspeakable tragedy, the only thing that has made me feel better was to stop asking why Linda died, and to rather start asking why Linda lived. For me, being around Linda made me feel more alive, even when we were laying around and doing absolutely nothing. Linda, you are going to be with me for the rest of life, and I promise you that every day I am going to try to look as cute as I can, I am going to smile a lot, and I am going to breathe life into everything I do, even when I’m just laying around.