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Linda Trinh Memorial Service
February 2, 2005
Sharon Kulger, University Chaplain

My sisters and brothers, each one of us gathered here today is forever changed for having known Linda Trinh in life, as well as in death. We are also deeply touched for how we have come to know each other. All those dear to Linda have faced an unspeakable pain and this community is beginning to understand itself in new ways. As I lay eyes upon so many of you this morning, I am mindful of our collective brokeness. As a community we have shared a penetrating experience of loss and we are walking together in a dreaded darkness. No day, no season will be the same for any of us because Linda has left this earth. Loss does just that, it forces us to dwell in places we dread, to confront our most feared and darkest realities. Because of this, loss also prepares us to live more profoundly. Grief is that slice of life that takes us beyond the boundaries of our mind and makes us see all of life anew.

Earlier this morning Dr. Brody spoke powerfully of grief. He said that we will never be fond of it but that we will learn to accept it. And accept we will, for we have no choice. It is the bitterest of separations and we feel it to be the gravest possible assault to our humanity. When we experience grief such as this, when we feel this broken, we know too that we have experienced love. And love is what we can and must rely on now. Love for one another and love for ourselves.

As she walked this earth, Linda tried her hardest to do the only thing God has ever asked of any of us. Linda gave the world love… Now we must look to each other to bring that love to full flourishing through our actions and our thoughts.

This past Sunday evening as I sat with a number of Linda’s friends to plan today’s service. I asked them each to attempt to best describe Linda in one word, one powerful word. It was a painful exercise and yet somehow we got through it because the words that came to mind were so very striking. Here is just sampling of some of those words…. beautiful, unselfish, joyful, loving, adorable, intelligent, light, charismatic, effervescent… In speaking those words aloud and many more just like them we were blessing Linda and in that very act we were evoking a memory of her that was stronger than our collective, unwanted grief. There was a kind of radiance in the room that I shall never forget and the face of God was revealed in each person who was blessing Linda’s memory in spite of their own sorrow. In a life moment, so unwanted, we became whole. It was our sincere hope that we could share that sense of radiant wholeness with each of you gathered today.

Let us now bow our heads and pray.

Gentle God of Grace,

You gave us a splendid gift in Linda.

Her talents were numerous and her buoyant spirit drew people to her.

Yours was the love that led her to this community

and that guided her way here while she endeavored to grow intellectually and spiritually.

Most Merciful, Loving and Compassionate God, We ask you

Bestow upon Linda’s beloved family a kind of peace in the midst of their unspeakable sorrow.

Accord them a comfort that fosters healing and envisions her spirit at rest in your sheltering arms.

May they truly know that the deep abyss of death is no match for the even deeper reach of Your love.

Gentle God,

May your loving hand extend to her wide wide circle of friends,

gird them with an abiding hope for joy-filled tomorrows and let all our hearts beat again.

Eternal Comforter,

You give us strength and meaning

and through the passing of the seasons you will give us truer memories of Linda that cannot be muted by the manner of her death.

These are the memories that we have sought to welcome and celebrate today.

O God of loving tender mercy

As you embrace Linda

Hold us too, with those mighty arms

As we continue to heal, return us to your joy.

Teach us, even in the face of death,

to treat each other gently, to search for your gifts in every heart

and to share the treasures of life in every moment.

As your beloved children we say,


My sisters and brothers this concludes the formal service. I invite you to linger here with one another, to look at the many beautiful pictures of Linda, to soak up the beauty of this space transformed to contain various elements that were quite meaningful to her. If you haven’t already guessed, Linda adored the color pink. Toward the back of this room there are books where you can write your thoughts. There are some of her favorite foods to share with friends and loved ones. And finally, you can hear some of Linda’s most favorite music which has been lovingly compiled for you to enjoy.

My sisters and brothers
Peace be with each and everyone of you, on this day and evermore.