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JHU Memorial
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Statement of how this will enhance your academic program

I feel that passion and excitement is a great aspect of research and in engineering. The most important aspect that this project is that I can combine my enthusiasm for helping others and research to benefit people who I feel deeply connected to and who are in need.

The proposed project has great relevance to my academic career at Johns Hopkins. As mentioned in my description of the activity, my proposed project was inspired by my current research with Dr. Joseph Gitlin. The planning process of this project has already helped me organize a proposal and make relevant contacts. I am learning everyday from my mistakes and successes on how to proceed with an international research project. I do not think that these things can be taught in a classroom.

This experience will encourage me to do even more research and obtain a more technological background so that I can be more independent on these projects. One class that has caught my interest is the Medical Imaging Systems class. I feel that this course would be extremely relevant to my research.

My academics career depends on the amount of effort that I put into it and I feel that this is the case for most people. I say this because this project is an example of my dedication to research. After many talks with my advisor, we agree that people must care about their research in order for it to advance. Being a BME, I have seen first hand how excited professors are about their research and how they are making a difference in the world. It’s an important aspect of research that rarely gets touched on. But you can tell who really wants to do what they are doing.

This entire experience, so far, has rejuvenated all my hopes and dreams to make a difference in the world. I have no doubt that I will have even more drive to research after I come back from Vietnam.

Having already done research at Hopkins, I am excited to see how an international project will differ. As a research assistant for Dr. Gitlin, I have helped write many proposals and papers. This experience will give me the opportunity to test my skills as an investigator for a novel application of existing technology.