My Life
JHU Memorial
Kind Words
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As Sue and I sat down to think of what we could possibly say to describe the many ways that Linda impacted our lives, we were at a loss. How could we adequately express how much Linda meant to us and illustrate all the amazing qualities she possessed? Linda was so many great things, like generous, devoted, and compassionate, and while we could never truly go through all the words that come to mind, her genuine love and overwhelming dedication to her friends are the things that we will remember and cherish forever.

Linda was one of the first people we met at Hopkins. She was our perky, upbeat neighbor who was almost always smiling. The moment we met her, her immediate warmth, genuine kindness and affectionate nature quickly pacified all our fears about coming to college. We knew that with someone as kind and caring as Linda living next door to us, we would always have someone to turn to as we tried to adjust to life away from home. As the first few months of school passed by, sure enough, Linda became one of our closest friends and we came to rely on her comforting qualities not just in our transition to college, but in our every day lives.

As we grew closer to Linda, all living together in a suite our sophomore year, we came to consider her our family at school. The way she genuinely expressed her concern for us and always made time to sit and talk, despite her hectic schedules, was like the care we received at home. Almost every day that we lived with Linda, she would make it a point to come into our rooms and ask how our day was. And if something was wrong, she would bring us her care bears and her stuffed Eeyore, play us Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” on repeat, and listen intently to even the most miniscule details of our problems.

Moving away from Linda after our sophomore year was a hard adjustment, but Linda valued her friendships more than anyone, and was committed to staying close to us. She made sure we still talked and made time for each other. And if a week or two would go by where we all just became so swamped we wouldn’t speak or see each other, we would come home to find messages on our computers from Linda that simply said “I love you” and “I miss you” and lets see each other soon.

Linda – we love you and we miss you, and though we won’t be seeing each other soon, our memories of you will always remain in our hearts and minds.